The Best Reason To Continue Chiropractic Care

The Best Reason To Continue Chiropractic Care!

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Most likely, you were born in perfect health. But perfect health can be hard to maintain. Childhood falls, major or minor accidents, birth stress, family stresses, work complications, financial concerns, food choices and life in general can all slowly take their toll. You haven't been feeling as well as you'd like. Perhaps you've been diagnosed with a disease or condition. What do you do? How do you recover your health? How do you optimise your health?

Where To Turn?

Many people turn to drugs when they have a health problem. While drugs may be necessary at times, in many cases drugs merely cover up or suppress symptoms. In other words, drugs do not promote healing. You may feel a little better but you are still sick - you aren't just experiencing the pain or other warning signs your body is giving you. If drugs healed people, then those who took the most drugs would be the healthiest. But aren't they the sickest? Again, don't make you healthy. the longer you stay on drugs, the greater the chances of drug reactions, side effects and a weakening of your overall vitality and strength.

Others may turn to surgery, which can also be necessary at times. Obviously, this is a serious type of healthcare intervention as every surgery is fraught with risks and damages. In addition, you're never the same after you've had organs tampered with or removed. 

To avoid dangerous and/or permanent side effects and consequences, many people are exploring safer, natural methods before resorting to more extreme procedures.

You Explored The Natural Chiropractic Approach

Fortunately, you have made the wise choice to explore the natural chiropractic approach to life, health and wellness. That's why you're in our office. You've seen some of what chiropractic can do for you - you're feeling better, perhaps better than you've felt in a long time. And hopefully you've brought your loved ones in for the unique care that only a doctor of chiropractic can offer. 

So if everyone is feeling better why continue care? After all, isn't that the way we take care of our health from a medical perspective? We look for immediate symptom relief and go on our way - until the problem comes back.

There Is A Better Approach To Health

Of course you can always discontinue care. Yet it would actually be in your best interest to visit us for periodic checkups. Why?

Because chiropractic is different - it is not only a great way of KEEPING your body working properly. Why wait until you are sick to do something about your health? Chiropractic helps you to STAY healthy, to prevent health problems, so you feel your best every day of your life!

The Goal Of Chiropractic

The goal of chiropractic (and many other natural healthcare systems) is to assist the body's effort to function optimally so that you can live your life in as perfect health as possible with high resistance to disease, good elimination and a strong immune system while radiating happiness, balance, poise, grace and energy.

How Does Chiropractic Work?

Chiropractors locate and correct subluxations in your body.

Subluxations are internal distortions that interfere with your body function. Subluxations affect nerves, muscles, bones, organs, glands and tissues. Uncorrected subluxations weaken your body, unbalance your skeletal system, put stress on your nerves and organs, lower your resistance to disease and sap your energy. You may experience premature ageing and feel tight and weak.

Subluxations can also affect brain function. Your brain may not function at its peak, you may feel as if you have "brain fog", your mood may be muddled and your concentration may be weak.

When you are in this state (subluxated) you are said to be dis-eased meaning that your body is simply not working right, has lowered resistance to disease and is in a pre-disease state. You are in a pre-disease state or have dis-ease before your health deteriorates to the point that you get a named disease (a cold, flu, backache, disc problem, vision or hearing problem, headache, arthritis, heart trouble, cancer etc.).

Subluxations are unfortunately very common - most people develop them at some time in their lives.

Subluxations Are Painless

Subluxations are health-destroying and yet they are painless. You could have multiple subluxations in your body and have no idea something is wrong - until disease or illness "suddenly" strikes you.

Chiropractors Correct Subluxations

Chiropractors spend thousands of hours learning how to locate and correct subluxations. Chiropractic adjustments (corrections) release stress from your nerves, balance your body structure, promote your muscles working in harmony and help you function at your peak.

It Takes Time To Get Sick

No one goes from perfect health to horrible illness overnight - it takes time. This is the period of dis-ease. Your resistance to disease is lowered, your body may be accumulating toxins and you've lost that healthy bounce to your step. The glow to your skin has disappeared and the twinkle in your eye has become lackluster and dull. It didn't happen overnight but gradually as your body started to break down.

It Takes Time To Get Well

Just as you experienced dis-ease before your health crisis brought you to our office, it will take time to reach your best possible health. It will happen in stages.

Stay Subluxation-Free

Because every illness takes time to develop and true health takes time to regain, it is important to keep yourself subluxation-free. Since you don't necessarily know if you have subluxations, periodic chiropractic checkups will help you maintain your improved health and continue the healing process that you've already begun.

Why Wait?

Most people wait until they are ill before addressing their health. By then it may be too late. Why not work to prevent disease, to prevent deterioration, to maintain and optimise your health? That is the goal of chiropractic.

Now You Know Why You Should Continue Care

So what is the best reason to continue care? YOU! You deserve to live the rest of your life in best possible health, tapping in to your full potential, maximising your life expression.

...Oh, and that goes for your family too!


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