
Back to School, Bedtimes, Schedules, and Health: Spinal Care Offers Big Advantages

Back to School, Bedtimes, Schedules, and Health:  Spinal Care Offers Big Advantages It is that time of the year. The kids go back to school. Much like the start of a new year, this season represents a time to get back to the basics. Strictness on bedtimes, wake-up calls and schedules often require a few weeks of adaptation to find the groove. The same applies to health. Unfortunately, spinal health and hygiene tends to take the stage during just one brief annual events when schools put kids through a basic scoliosis screening. A school nurse will take a quick look at the girls in sports bras and shirtless boys to determine if there are any scoliotic curves developing. A more thorough exam is the only true way to detect spinal abnormalities, especially when it comes to scoliosis. The findings were remarkable. Doctors and PhD's in this publication concluded that asymmetries of growth, which may or may not lead to a clinical diagnosis of scoliosis, are directly

How To Improve Your Children's Quality Of Sleep

How To Improve Your Children's Quality Of Sleep How Nightly Routines and Relaxation Techniques Can Improve the Quality of Your Child's Sleep Unlike adults, children don't always appreciate the benefits of a good night's sleep. While parents look forward to slipping under the covers at the end of a long day, kids find plenty of creative excuses to delay bedtime. Unfortunately, bedtime delays can decrease the quality and duration of your child's sleep and affect his or her behaviour and performance at school. Following a few of these suggestions can help you ensure that your child gets enough rest at night. Pay Attention to Sleep Recommendations The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends the following daily sleep totals for kids: 4 to 12 Months.  12 to 16 hours 1 to 2 Years.  11 to 14 hours 3 to 5 Years.  10 to 13 hours 6 to 12 Years.  Nine to 12 hours 13 to 18 Years.  Eight to 10 hours Even slight sleep deficits can affect your chil

Regular Chiropractic Care Proves to Be One of the Greatest Health Investments

Regular Chiropractic Care Proves to Be One of the Greatest Health Investments Chiropractic has been proven beneficial for long term wellness. Research shows that regular chiropractic improves the health and longevity of the spine, diminishes the risk of joint degeneration, increases mobility, and boosts overall function of the body by reducing stress from the brain and central nervous system. This study evaluated the necessity and value of on-going regular chiropractic adjustments for the prevention of  on-going regular chiropractic adjustments for the prevention of spinal immobility and degenerative changes. The results were as follows: - Wellness or maintenance care optimises levels of function and provides a process for achieving the best possible health. This care may include chiropractic adjustments in addition to exercise, diet, nutritional counselling and lifestyle coaching. - The purpose of chiropractic maintenance care is to optimise spinal function.

Problems that Exist Without Pain Reveal the Need for Chiropractic Beyond Pain Relief

Problems that Exist Without Pain Reveal the Need for Chiropractic Beyond Pain Relief The study aimed to determine whether subjects with persistent or recurrent neck and shoulder pain were more likely to have abnormal MRI findings of the cervical spine than those without pain. Two radiologists assessed the MRI images of all subjects without any awareness regarding the presence or absence of pain in any of the subjects. The results of the study were quite counter intuitive and very remarkable. The findings were as follows:  • Magnetic resonance imaging wisdom most sensitive technique for showing early pathologic changes in cervical spine.  • The aim of this present study was to examine whether symptomatic young adults had more pathological MRI changes in cervical spine then asymptomatic subjects of the same age.  • The degrees of disc degeneration, disc annular tears, disc herniations, and disc protrusions were assessed.  • The results showed that patho

New Report Linked “Horn-Like” Growth on Back of Skull from Phone and Computer Use in Young Adult

New Report Linked “Horn-Like” Growth on Back of Skull from Phone and Computer Use in Young Adult This study evaluated the effects of forward head posture. An analysis of 1200 x-rays revealed a significant feature regarding forward head posture and increase bone elements extending off the skull from the external occipital protuberance (EOP). The findings were significant and showed a relationship between age, sex, forward head posture, and the calcification of ligaments and tendons attached to the EOP.  • A retrospective analysis of 1200 (18–86-year-old) de-identified lateral cervical radio-graphic studies was carried out by an experienced observer.  • The cohort was divided into age groups according to decades (18–30, 31–40, 41–50, 51–60, >61). • All radiographs were obtained by a trained radiographer, at a single chiropractic clinic, by the same digital capturing equipment and with the same capturing techniques.  • Our current analysis demonstrated the

How Does Texting Affect Your Spine?

How Does Texting Affect Your Spine? This ground-breaking research helps explain the negative effects of consistently looking down at a smartphone. Computers and cell phones now play a significant role in every industrialised nation. A survey from 2015 revealed that 53% of people listed their cell phone as the most important item they would save from their home during a house fire. The current state of cell phone usage comes with a new set of disease risks unbeknownst to the user. Doctors have even created terminology for new conditions and diagnoses specific to this growing epidemic. Particularly in younger populations. This research also showed the amount of stress and pressure placed on the neck when users consistently placed their head in forward flexion at varying degrees to look down at their device. The findings were remarkable:  • The purpose of the study was to assess the forces incrementally seen by the cervical spine as the head is tilted forward into wors

Chiropractic Slashes Migraine Suffering

Chiropractic Slashes Migraine Suffering The limitations to current pharmacological therapies have highlighted the need to explore what is referred to as alternative or integrative care for headaches. Many people who suffer from migraines are unfortunately led to believe that medication is the only option to deal with the pain. And migraine medications are some of the most dangerous drugs on the market due to their toxicity, potency, and potential for harm. Chiropractic spinal adjustments are one of the most effective interventions for those suffering with migraine headaches. This research evaluated the effectiveness of chiropractic care for those suffering from migraines. The results were remarkable and as follows:  • The study is a systematic review and meta-analysis of published randomised clinical trials evaluating the evidence regarding spinal manipulation as an alternative or integrative therapy in reducing migraine pain and disability.  • The authors identi