
Showing posts from October, 2019

Back to School, Bedtimes, Schedules, and Health: Spinal Care Offers Big Advantages

Back to School, Bedtimes, Schedules, and Health:  Spinal Care Offers Big Advantages It is that time of the year. The kids go back to school. Much like the start of a new year, this season represents a time to get back to the basics. Strictness on bedtimes, wake-up calls and schedules often require a few weeks of adaptation to find the groove. The same applies to health. Unfortunately, spinal health and hygiene tends to take the stage during just one brief annual events when schools put kids through a basic scoliosis screening. A school nurse will take a quick look at the girls in sports bras and shirtless boys to determine if there are any scoliotic curves developing. A more thorough exam is the only true way to detect spinal abnormalities, especially when it comes to scoliosis. The findings were remarkable. Doctors and PhD's in this publication concluded that asymmetries of growth, which may or may not lead to a clinical diagnosis of scoliosis, are directly