
Showing posts from March, 2019

After Your First Adjustment

After Your First Adjustment After an adjustment your body is more in harmony; hundreds of improvements are occurring. Congratulations You've just had your first adjustment. For the first time in your life you are functioning with no or reduced subluxations (nerve stress) in your body. What does that mean?  For one thing, it means you are more balanced in your relationship with gravity. Your head is more centered, your hips and shoulders are more level, your posture is more attractive and you walk more comfortably as your joints have less stress upon them. You'll have more energy in your day-to-day life as your relationship with gravity continues to improve. You may feel more awake as your brain has more blood flow and your vision may be sharper. That's why children under chiropractic care have increased attention span, improved concentration and perform better in school. When Will You Get Better? If you're like many people you're

New Mothers Should Seek Chiropractic Care Post-Delivery

New Mothers Should Seek Chiropractic Care Post-Delivery There are a lot of reasons why new mothers should seek chiropractic care post-delivery. Most of the time mothers who are going to seek care post-delivery have probably been under care during their pregnancy. When I help mums through their pregnancy, a lot of their attitude is they just can’t wait to have the baby. They can’t wait. You got to get this baby out of me and they think everything is going to be easier. But, both you and I know that what’s really coming down is after they deliver, caring for their infant, and changing, and breastfeeding, and lifting, and carrying the baby, everything, that’s going to put more strain on the spine for a new mum who’s already been through heck and back in the actual delivery process. The abdominal muscles have been stretched out. They’re a little weak. There’s some soreness and discomfort. Now, they’re challenged by caring for their new infant. And so, postpartum is a really im

Ford Focus Is First Car With Seats Certified Against Back Pain

Ford Focus Is First Car With Seats Certified Against Back Pain Back pain is the  world’s single leading cause of disability , and can make travelling by car an uncomfortable experience.   Back pain affects around half of European Union citizens at some point in their lives, with a recent survey finding that 75 percent of UK drivers will suffer thanks to the wrong seating position . So for everyone, whether you're the sort to drive for short journeys, or the long trips, this car seating would be perfect with you. But Ford claims the new Focus can provide relief for back pain sufferers thanks to the optional comfort seats for the driver and front-seat passenger. Making this the first car that actually allows good posture and alleviates the common back pain. The seats can be adjusted in 18 ways for support and comfort – earning the Focus the seal of approval from Aktion Gesuner Rücken e.V. (AGR), a Germ

Chiropractic Care Benefits Women Of All Ages

Chiropractic Care Benefits Women Of All Ages Chiropractic is a wonderful source of care for everyone, helping ensure wellness and health for men and women, young and old. Chiropractic treatment can be particularly beneficial for women. New mothers and pregnant women, those who are overweight, have stressful lives, and those who need to strengthen their joints and back for physical activities such as sports, are prime candidates for regular chiropractic care. We specialise in providing chiropractic care to promote overall wellness for our patients. Also, many of those we care for are women who are experiencing specific physical needs that spinal re-alignment can improve or may completely resolve. In addition to expert spinal manipulation, we also can prove nutritional and exercise advice and lifestyle suggestions. Among the needs of women that we serve are: Pregnancy Getting ready for pregnancy, being pregnant, and recovering from child birth are among the female proce