
Showing posts from May, 2019


Allergies Your Immune System: Keeping On You Your immune system keeps you 100% natural, organic, unadulterated you! It recognises and destroys anything that's not supposed to be in you: bacteria, viri, pollutants, dust, pollen, drugs, tumours, dead pieces of your own cells, and even artificial hearts and donor organs. (Metal and plastic, however, don't trigger an immune reaction). Immunological Diseases A healthy immune system means high resistance to disease and infection, better ability to deal with stress, and greater health and well-being. Many thing influence how well your immune system functions: your nerves and hormones, your diet, your genes and your emotions. An unhealthy immune system may fail to recognise or remove abnormal cells (such as cancers) and may not protect you from infection. Conversely, it may overreact to foreign substances (bee stings, penicillin, foods or drugs) or become depressed (as in AIDS) or even attack you (as happens in auto

Colds & Flu

Colds & Flu Go to a chiropractor for the common cold? But chiropractic is just for backs! Not so. In fact, many people seeing chiropractors for neutro-musculoskeletal problems (nerve, muscle and structural pain and conditions) often find an improvement in their overall health that may include fewer and less severe colds, flu and other respiratory problems. The Common Cold The common cold (acute coryza) is associated with viri that affect the nose, throat, larynx (voice box) and sinuses. That means stuffed and runny nose, scratchy throat, watery eyes, stuffed sinuses and congestion but no fever. Breathing cold viruses does not in itself cause a cold. Experimenters placed cold viruses directly on the mucous lining of subjects' noses. Only 12%of subjects came down with colds. The fact is that your body is inhabited with all kinds of germs all the time. However for your germs to overgrow into an infection you must first be fertile soil - your "resistance to d

Can Chiropractic Help Alleviate Anxiety?

Can Chiropractic Help Alleviate Anxiety? Many people of all ages experience depression and/or anxiety whether on an occasional, frequent, or consistent basis. These symptoms may be transient, only occurring at a particular stage in one's life, or thy may represent a specific condition such as  depressive disorder or a panic disorder. Panic disorders are characterised by attacks of anxiety and overwhelming fear known as panic attacks. During a panic attack, a person may experience pounding or racing of the heart, breathing problems, dizziness, weakness, chills, and nausea. Additionally, during a panic attack a person may experience a feeling of being out of control and a feeling of impending doom. Chiropractic care has a distinct and specific role to play in the management of panic attacks. Spinal bio mechanical dysfunction and spinal nerve irritation may be implicated in the causation of panic attacks, as such dysfunction and irritation can heighten physiolo